Friday, February 26, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Story Time

Hello faithful viewer.
I am in Junior Seminar right now. For an art student at Blackburn college, that means I am doing a gallery showing. I am doing motion graphics for the show. I have the rest of the semester to finish 5 or 6 pieces. Each piece will be done in a different style. The theme for my art will be storytelling. I am trying to come up with stories to tell through my art.

I have a few stories planned already, but I am looking for some good stories to tell still. I am not necessarily looking for strictly non-fiction stories, but I am looking for non-fiction style stories. I am not looking for fantasy type stories, although exaggerated "big fish" stories are welcomed. What I am asking you, my viewer of this blog entry, is for some stories. They can be of about any subject. They can be humorous, sad, scary, or anything else. They can be extravagant with a million plot twists or can be of a simple happening. They can be of the most important matter like the time you stopped the nuke from being launched towards Antarctica, or as mundane as your friend spreading a dumb rumor about you.

You can email, facebook, or leave a comment of your story. You could also talk to me or any other way you want to tell me. If you do give me a story, I want you to understand that I may or may not use it in the artwork. I may use ideas from it and I may change things. So if you are worried about the story of the time you killed your roommate to get straight A's getting out, I wouldn't tell it to me. If you aren't worried about the police finding that out, be my guest, that'd be a good story. Anyways, don't feel bad if you don't give me a story or don't give one that I want to use. For the coming weeks I will be thinking of stories regardless of what is sent here. These stories can just be fuel for some thought process or can be some complete stories I use.

Now, something more important than the stories (I guess this should have been first.). For the gallery I will be setting up the animations on old TVs. What I don't have at the moment is a lot of old TVs (or money). So I am asking for donations of old TVs for my gallery exhibit. Just letting me use the TV in your basement that nobody in your family uses anymore would be nice. I'd prefer not feeling bad for taking your family's only TV though, so don't worry about it if thats the case. Also I would appreciate it if anyone tells me about a cheap old TV (preferably either around carlinville or southern illinois) at a garage sell or salvation army or something. Once again, a comment, email, phone call, live contact, or any other form of communication would work.

good bye

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

100 Push Up Challenge

I'm about to start the 100 Push Up Challenge. It is a plan that is supposed to get me to the strength to do 100 push ups. I'm going to start today with the 1st test to see how many I can currently do. I have a feeling that it is a small number since my arms are quite sore from moving people in and out of dorms and multiple sports yesterday... Now excuse me for a few seconds while I try to do as many push ups as I can...

alright... I'm weak, I admit it. As I got down in the push up position my entire body starting popping. My shoulders were hurting before my first push up. Anyways I did 40. I really expected I could do more than that. I probably could have done a few more, but I was not feeling well at #40. Well, in the back of my mind, I hoped I could just do 100 right off the bat, so I could consider it a victory and be done, but now it looks like I NEED the 6 week program to get to 100. So, lucky for you (readers) I will be doing the program until I get 100 push ups (in one try), and I will be writing my very interesting trials and tribulations on the way.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Agenda For Christmas Break

Alright. I have a few things I need to do over break. Some things are more important than others.
They are in no particular order, but I will number them.

1. Create new Logo for website.
2. Completely revamp my website.
3. Work on radio station website.
4. Play Assassins Creed and Bioshock on my pc.
5. Think about ideas for Seminar.
6. Practice with new camera.
7. Have fun.
8. Create some new videos or animations.
9. Get some freelance jobs.
10. Get my foot in the door for a possible summer job. (and maybe my other foot in the door of a possible after college job)

As you can see, it is important I bring my PC home with me for break. For most breaks it begins with everything constantly happening with friends and family. Soon, it slows down and I find myself sitting in my room doing nothing or playing videogames or something. Well this break It looks like I may have some things to do while in my room.

Also for your enjoyment. My new ad:

Thursday, December 03, 2009

My weekend schedule

1. Make a schedule and stick to it.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

psychologically, physically, or emotionally ill?

So thats the question, whats the answer?

I guess I'll give you background so you can interpret what the answer may be.

Today, like every weekday I work at the Middle School from 6am to 2:30 pm outside pulling weeds, etc. The last two days I have went golfing afterwards, walking 9 holes. I have played two horrible rounds of golf, about a 20 stroke difference at least for the 2 days added together compared to what I have been shooting regularly. Now here's the main information:

Today I started out playing mediocre, but not horrible. It started getting quite a bit worse after 4 or 5 holes. About the middle of the 6th hole I hit a bad shot that really made me really really angry, then my breathing kinda got abnormal and I was breathing really hard. Then in a few minutes I felt like my arms were tingly. The last three holes I focused very little, and actually got a 9 on the 7th hole.

Now here's where the question comes into play. I kept thinking that I was just acting like I was exhausted, and acting like my arms were tingly and acting like I was breathing hard because I was just so angry and wanted some kind of excuse to why I was playing bad. I mean I didn't say anything, but I felt like that might have been what I was doing. Or maybe I was possibly just actually exhausted from 10+ hours in the heat today. Or maybe I was so angry that my mind made myself feel that way.

So the question is am I psychologically screwed up because I was just making it up? Am I physically screwed up because I was in the heat too long and it just took over me? Or am I emotionally screwed up because I have the ability to be so angry that it makes me ill?

In other news, towards the end of writing this blog I have started losing my balance a bit and down feels like it is moving.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Alright, I'm happy. I'm golfing good. Finally. After always working at it and trying so hard for so long... it has finally come together for a few rounds and I hope it stays this way. In the last month I've only not broke 80 for 18 twice I think. I have shot a 75, which is my best 18 hole score, and on the back nine of that round I shot -1 (34), which was my best 9 hole score. Today I just played 9 holes (front) and shot -2. I had 4 birdies, one of which should have definitely stayed in for eagle (9th hole, my drive went left of the sand trap that goes around the green, so I had to hit a flop shot over the bunker and on the green as close to the bunker as possible because the green sloped dramatically down. I hit a perfect flop way in the air, and it rolled into the center of the cup... but the pin hit it and it stayed out. I made birdie though.)

Other high points of today's round:
a very long drive on one to about 25 yards to the green (but a slightly thin pitch shot occurred when a driving range ball landed near me on my backswing)
A long straight drive on 2, over the creek that I almost always lay up in front of, but didnt get up and down for birdie
Wind with us on short par 3 third hole so I hit a 115 yard sand wedge shot pin high and made birdie
good safe drive on 4 right in the middle of the fairway.
Very long and straight drive on 5 over the creek that I usually lay up in front of, but botched pitch shot to end up with bogey
mis-hit drive on 6 but still decent shape and 210 yard 2nd shot to green (par 5). Hit a nice long draw around the trees and ended up right and short of the green by just a little bit, then chipped it, not as close as I wanted, but made the tough hard right to left putt.... then did my famous hip thrust celebration... then noticed the people watching me, who continued to stare for a while.
hole 8: very good drive into the wind right down the middle to 100 yards out... pulled 2nd shot left and long but hit an excelent lob wedge on a tough green to get up and down for par.
#8, had wind with us so I hit a 9 iron on the 149 yard par 3, and ended up on the left fringe about 6 in from green... was going to putt, but it was a long putt and i felt better chipping... so i chipped it in for birdie.
#9 hit a decent drive down the right, on this short par 4. It usually hits the fairway and kicks left on the hole, but it kicked straight and was just right of the green and bunker, but pin high... I already told the story of the flop shoot though.

so that makes a -2 (33).

Sorry if this bored you, but I'm crazy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Some Thoughts

Why is it odd for someone to run somewhere? I even feel odd when I decide to run to where ever I'm going. I still do it a lot. I do run when I'm late, but I also run when I have all kinds of time. Sometimes it just feels easier than walking, and it gets you where you are going in half the time.

Why is it that now I have more free time to do what I want, I just end up bored?

Am I weird for not really wanting to be super rich, or at least if I was rich, super fancy? I'd like to eat more and have a few things of my interests, but a really nice car and house don't interest me too much. And don't get me started on jewelry. Too Late.

I have a problem with a lot of jewelry. I mean I know I'm a guy and most guys don't wear a whole lot, so I may be biased. I feel like jewelry among other things (fancy cars) are for the most part status symbols. That big ring says look how rich we are! I'm not against all jewelry really, because you can wear it to not be showing off how rich you are, just like you can get a nice car. I'm not against good cars, I'm just against status cars really.

Why do I keep playing golf... which turns out being the one sport that has probably given me the most trouble. I'm better at other sports, but here I am, obsessed with golf, playing it at college, playing every day almost. For example, the other day I was swinging really good and had maybe the best golf day of my life... then 2 days later the swing was gone, and I was back to struggling. It could make a person go crazy. I still love the game somehow. Maybe I'm a masochist... I did used to love long distance running... THAT eventually hurt too bad, and I can't stand it anymore... I wonder if golf will mentally injure me like long distance running did.

Why are certain things called childish by self-proclaimed adults, when the things they do (and most adults for that matter) are more childish. I do a number of things for fun that people may consider childish. I play video games, lazer tag, ping pong, I make immature jokes, but I feel like those things are the things I do for fun, while someone who may call me childish is probably fighting with a friend and not talking to them, they are planning revenge on someone that said something mean about them 2 months ago, and there's a million other examples.

A few things kind of suck:
its not what you know, its who you know... that kinda sucks.
you have to lie and cheat to get ahead... that kinda sucks.
you can't trust anyone... that kinda sucks

I coulda gone on... but I"m done typing. I think I'm going to go eat some Don Tequilas!

and please dont think I'm some sort of nut!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Mullet Adventures

and here's alink to watch it on youtube in high quality:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Freddysign Concept 1

enjoy... a final version will be much better

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I should be doing some other stuff now...

anyways I was looking at the warped tour lineup for this summer (I know its early)(and don't call me lame for thinking about warped tour)(or if you do, say it in a nice manor)(please)

anyways, these bands will be there:

Bad Religion, Big D and the Kids Table, Bouncing Souls, Flogging Molly, NOFX, Streetlight Manifesto, Westbound Train

I mean there will be others, but those are the ones that matter. I'll probably go this year.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 (semi)random things

random things about me
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I shouldn't even be doing this right now. It is 1:17am and I should be starting my homework.

2. I sometimes wonder if I'm more of a geek or a jock. I don't really think I'm either, but I love computers and electronics. I wear thick glasses, and I make geeky jokes. I also play about any sport you can shake a stick at, and I'm very competitive in them all.

3. I made two (or actually more) websites for myself when I was younger (7th grade-so. in high school) but haven't got around to making a current one, even though I'm always planning to. I guess I can thank facebook and myspace for the delay.

4. I'm planning on creating a series of shows for the youtube. All in the colormation effect that I've been messing with. The name is picked out in my head by not confirmed yet. Some friends are planning to help a lot. It will be funny. It will also take the world by storm.

5. Sometimes I think I'm funnier than people appreciate.

6. Sometimes I think that maybe I'm a little full of myself.

7. Sometimes I think I don't think enough of myself.

8. Sometimes my sense of humor includes my own inside jokes. I make good jokes that only I get.

9. I also continuously make fun of some things by doing them so much that people think I'm not making fun of something. Like how people answer the phone, "yyeeellloo"

10. For most my life I've always been a really nice person, but I also have the ability to be a really big butt hole.

11. I enjoy food a ton.

12. I'm on a diet right now. 35 pounds by the end of the school year (gain). So far I've gained 6.

13. My girlfriend is great, and knows I'm crazy, but hasn't ran away or institutionalized me.

14. I really like the show, LOST, and I've followed it the whole time. It is really exciting.

15. I would consider myself open minded when it comes to music, but I've also found what I like and I'm not going to waste my time listening to a bunch of country and rap to find music to listen to.

16. btw, I like ska music and punk music mostly. I also branch off in other directions.

17. I don't think I can ever make up my mind when it comes to sports:
Middle School: Baseball, Basketball, Track
Fresh HS: Track, Cross Country
So. HS: Baseball, Cross Country
Jr. Hs: Baseball, Golf
Sr. Hs: Baseball, Golf
Fresh College: Golf
So. College: Golf
Jr. College: (who knows!? haha)

18. I wish I could always find people who can compete with me in: basketball, ping pong, tennis, golf, racquetball, and other sports, but its hard to find.

19. I have a Nintendo Entertainment System in my room.

20. I built my computer (sorta... with help!) and it is NICE. It can play Crysis on full settings! Nice step up from ps2.

21. I truly believe my pc has better graphics than ps3 and xbox 360.

22. I sometimes let my inner geek come out too much.

23. I enjoy embarrassing Alecia in many ways. Usually noises I make and things I do.

24. I'm starting to really think of some good ones, but I'm running out of spaces to put them. Now that I think about it, saying this is very counterproductive.

25. I wish I had an energy drink right now, since its time to start my homework. Its been a long time since I've had an energy drink though.

I'd also like to mention that I'm blind in my left eye.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Golf Team Raffle (HELP!)

Hello, this may be my first blog that actually serves a purpose (other than just to write and entertain, etc).

The golf team is underfunded this year so we need to produce more money for traveling to Hilton Head.

We are doing raffle tickets. The prize is a $100 Wal-Mart gift card. The tickets are $1 each, $5 for 6, or $10 for 13. If you'd like to get more we can work something out.

So, I am asking through this blog if anyone will help. Any help would be appreciated very much. You could also win $100. The odds aren't too bad.

Just get in touch with me somehow (in person, facebook, email [trentfred at], phone [6185427088], yelling, myspace, youtube, snailmail, etc). I can take cash, checks (payable to Blackburn Golf Club), Paypal, and probably anything else you can think of that would work.

Thank you

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Facebook, videos, and copyrights

Today I get on my facebook account and I had a notice that told me that they deleted my "colormation" because of copyright infringement. It said that if I try to reupload, I could be kicked from facebook. Nice. Especially nice since the video was not copyright infringement in any way. Here's the "infringing" video of me trying out an effect and talking to the camera, or my brother or something:

It is bologna that they did this. I have no idea how this is infringement. Some people say we shouldn't complain because we aren't paying for facebook (or youtube). well I say a few things: If we aren't paying for it how are they getting rich? donations? NO. advertisement. If we weren't paying and there were no ads, then maybe I shouldn't complain, but I am paying through the ads.

I'm mad about this, but the thing that is really annoying is how much farther this can get. Next thing you know it, more things on the internet will be uber-regulated. That kinda kills a huge advantage of the internet, especially with sites like youtube and facebook.

I would maybe understand taking the video down if I was trying to make money off of it, and I actually had some sort of infringement. I would also expect some complaint from whoever I was infringing. I've seen people's videos being taken down because they had some independent band that they were trying to promote's song in the video. That makes a whole lot of sense to take that down.

Anyways, I'll cut this rant short before I bore you.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

uh oh, old habit

uh oh... I hope this isn't the beginning of a resurgence of an old habit. Maybe its just a one day thing. Its 1 and I've procrastinated too much. Writing this blog in itself is very counterproductive.

I can sleep some other time. right?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

We'll tak a cup of kindness yet

Well today is new year's eve. Tonight there is midnight, then tomorrow is the beginning of a new year.

Are you ready diet industry!? Make sure you are well stocked.
Sell it fast, these usually don't last for more than a few weeks.

Mine usually don't. Well unless I make a lame easy one. Usually I just propose to be a happy person or something stupid like that. I kinda want to gain weight. Thats a little opposite of the usual resolution, but I'm serious. I need to hit the golf ball farther and also maybe make layups against bigger people.

So I don't know if thats my resolution or not. It will count as part of it.

Anyways, isn't this type of thing like wishes? If I tell you will it not come true? OR at least I won't have the shame of failing and everyone knowing.

In the end my new years resolution is going to end up just as dumb as usual. I'm thinking, "going a full year without peeing my pants" is a good one.

Have a Merry New Year.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have had an addiction for awhile, but it is really becoming serious now. I guess I should have seen it coming with Christmas coming around and everyone asking me what I want. I could tell them, but they wouldn't understand. They wouldn't know how to get it, or they would find a way, but it would seem impossible and dumb. So I don't exactly tell what I want. I just generally say what I want. Then I tell how I want it. Anyways, enough of that, back to the addiction

My addiction of late (this year) is a serious addiction. I may be going to my first OSA meeting next week before the problems really compound.

I have what they (by they, I mean me) call OSS (not to be confused with OPP), Online Shopping Syndrome. I truly don't believe its a problem, but most drug addicts don't think they have a problem either. Its just so great. Everything is online. Its usually 10x cheaper than anywhere else. I can research and not do too much impulse buying. Sounds great eh?

Well there's a dark side. I have become a super-researcher when it comes to stuff online. I spend countless hours figuring out how to get the best deals on the best stuff, the stuff that will make my happier. I figure out price to happiness ratios. I become a semi-professional person in whatever field I am thinking about purchasing something from.

Recently it has been computers. For this whole thanksgiving break I have spent a great deal of time looking at computers (because the one I am typing on apparently isn't good enough). For a long time I wanted a ps3 (or a wii, or a 360), but I have had a change of heart and mind. I've decided, no, no console, but I want a PC that is better than the consoles. I really believe this is the most awesome idea I've had in awhile.

Most people would say, "to do that you would need a fortune." Thats when my super-researching comes in to play. I have been comparing and contrasting every part of a computer. What do I need? what can I skimp on? What do I need to pay more on? is the 8600 gt good enough or should I upgrade to 8800gt? or is the 9600gt better than both? will it matter if my mobo (motherboard) isnt good enough? is my mobo good? Will this processor be good enough? I need a newer one. No not quite quad core, dual core will do me fine. but what is the difference between a 4000+ and a 6000+? is it worth paying more for? How much ram? Will vista require me to get 20gb of ram? how about crysis? will this setup be good enough for Crysis? Oooh, Crysis, lets compare games now. Pure looks better on the pc? awesome, crysis requires a great pc? is mine great? I think it will be... unless i stick with the 8600gt. Oh and call of duty. If i buy this game for my computer, will i turn into the rest of my floor? will i start acting and dressing like them? will i hear myself yelling at my monitor like i always hear. and will i be yelling at a different game than contra?

Do you see what I mean? thats the the tip of the iceburg. Those thoughts have been going through my head constantly... plus way way more? oh wait... will those deals go down since it wont be black friday anymore?

Are you beginning to see why I can't tell anyone what I want for christmas... at least detailed... i just say either Money or money towards this computer.

I dont (usually) say I want the AMD Athlon 6000+ Dual Core CPU Asrock ALIVENF6P-VSTA MB (Ethernet, High Def Audio)4GB DDR2 800Mhz RAM 500gb hd, dvd+r dual layer burner geforce 8800gt with vista premium. That would just get strange looks... ask alecia. She's given them to me a few times.

Even if the item i wanted was simple, I don't really know if i could tell them. Since my addiction has started, everything I see at stores (mainly electronics) I say, ha, like I'd by that here! Its surely on the internet for half that price (and it probably is).

So it kinda does sound like the internet is great. Easy to find stuff. Easy to research stuff. Better prices.

That causes problems. Easy to find= would i have ever bought a golf simulator if i couldnt find it online? easy to research, could i have been doing something more productive with my time? better prices= would i have bought that at all if i didnt see the good price?

In concussion, my conclusion to the whole thing is that I do have an addiction, but I don't want any help. I like the internet. Everyone is lucky I have no money right now (spent it all on golf simulators and ping pong paddles, and 100 golf balls), or i'd buy stuff.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jet Audio

Good news everyone!
I finally got sick of Windows Media Player (it would not recognize that I had ANY music on my pc for some reason now)

I downloaded Jet Audio, thats much better, BUT it wouldnt work with (site that keeps track of what you listen to... check mine out! :MY LAST.FM Page

But i looked up some stuff and figured out how to get it to work. It took a little more work than it should have, but now it works.

I should have been studying for my math quiz that I have in 13 minutes.

I also shouldn't have been writing this blog. Its taking my time and YOUR time. sorry.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Now I'm going bite my tongue

now i'm going to look like an idiot, because here comes a vague depressing blog... you know, the kind that I was JUST making fun of.

this will be shorter than the last one i now decide.

here it is:

Now that every single constant I had in the last 3.5 years is gone. Now what?
Am i going to be stronger from what didn't destroy me, or am I destroyed.

I could name the constants, but I won't for now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


its soo... i dont know...
You think one thing and...
it just isnt there..
its not there ever.
im sitting in my room alone right now... as usual.
actually mason is in here, but i'm alone in my mind.
im by myself in my own place.
soo lonely that i want to cry.
the office is on tv, but i can't laugh anymore
i dont laugh anymore. time is so slow and painful
i dont laugh anymore. i just cry.
pain, its what I feel.
I am so vulnarabel. Why does everything have to be like this!?
Can't I just be like everyone else. Normal. Happy.
as i look at my blank wall it reminds me of my life,
blank and horrible
please don't look at me differently.
I can keep my act going so well you will never know.
how I truley feal.


Friday, November 07, 2008

Tonite, Tomorrow, and the Present

few things to say real briefly.

1. I'm glad my tv finally got the hd channels and the movie channels... No comedies on reg. cable can compare to this.
2. I'm playing ping pong in the ping pong tournament in springfield tomorrow morning. I will lose.
3.I didn't win bingo.
4.My pc keeps crashing.

Bigaboom bigabang.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dumb Blog #476

Here it is again. I'm writing and you once again are not reading (by "you" I mean "most people" [I'm not stupid, I know YOU are reading this]).

I think I should start video blogging, or Vlogging as they call it I think. People are reading less and less and watching more and more, but on the downside, YOU would have to see my face everytime (or maybe I could think of something else) and I would have to not look horrible everytime. For example right now I'm blogging (not vlogging) and I look like crap, but it doesn't matter. It also doesn't matter that I'm going to have to go to the bathroom half way through this since time is not a factor when you I'm typing, but it is if I'm being recorded.

(bathroom break)

(15 minutes later)

anywho, where was I?

oh yeah I was talking about a bunch of nonsense. Now I'll continue.

So here's an idea. to get lots of people (over 3!) people to read this blog, I will mention a bunch of names so people will see them (I know how interested you are in yourself).

Here we go. Trent: you suck
Alecia: You have been sick (as have I [oh yeah world, forgot to mention, I've been really sick so if you've seen me lately and thought i looked like crap... I also felt like it.) I love you.
Chuck: thanks for getting me subway and medicine, or taking me there, no thanks for taking my pc from me for so long (3 days) and making me pc binge tonite. I guess the joke is on you though, because you've probably suffered through this whole blog now. HA!
Travis: you won't read this, so i won't bother
Tiger Woods: thanks for being on the cover of my latest obsession (tiger woods 08 for pc)
Timesplitters 2: thanks for being such a great videogame.
Golf Channel: thanks for giving me stuff to watch.
Trent: you've lost focus on the reason you are putting names on here
Alecia: 2nd mention
I quit.

I should have said this earlier. Everyone go to this link: and look at my picture, and give me a 10 or whatever you think! Voting doesn't start til later though.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My TV just stopped

OH no!, my tv just stoppped showing my images. The daily show is no longer on. Did ... oh wait, it just came back on.,, but its messed up... blurry and staticy, staticky, statiky. idk..

i should be working on my graphic design project anyways. I mean i am working on it...

in the end. i like the flamethrower burger from dq. Its really good.

This may be my worse blog ever...

I know what can save it:

Fred Spins a Ball from Trent Fred on Vimeo.

ok, anyways... the weekend was good to me... I golfed my best and worse rounds in one day... hung out with my friends and all kinda stuff...

i should blog more often.

If anyone reads this you should blog ... i mean after reading through this much crap you should at least get credit right?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Whatever passes through my mind in the next few minutes

I always think of things I should blog about, but never do. I'm lazy I guess. Anyways, this... may not be one of those things I think of entirely. I'll just type some things I think about.

Just now. I reached in my pocket. My hand came out with RED fingers! The smell was nasty. I then remembered earlier in the day when I was thinking, "it is dumb of me to put these ketchup packets in my pocket, why don't I throw them away".

I've been working on the website a lot... the new stuff isnt up yet, but everyone should beging going there constantly.

Last week was crazy.
2 weddings and a funeral.

I'm sleeping more this semester. Thats good.

I'm golfing better this semester. Thats good.

I bought a golf simulator. Thats good.

I have some ideas that will make me rich. Thats good.

Anyways I think 2 movies are coming out tomorrow that I want to see:

South Park is hilarious, but I watched this episode earlier, so I may change the channel. Its the one where Cartman gets the crap beat out of him.

Leesha's doing good...

Jessica's wedding was great...

This blog is almost over.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Here's some things that I think that should pretty much explain myself as a person.

Why on earth have they slowed down on selling those sour starbursts in big bags? They used to be places and now they aren't easy to find. That's bologna.

Why did Burger King get rid of their best burger awhile ago (the Angus). It was so good. That's bologna.

Why did Sonic get rid of their Island Fire Burger. That was one of the best burgers you could get from anywhere. THAT is bologna.

Really, whats with "limited time only" things being so good. Why can't the permanent items be that good?

It is so dumb.

Does anyone agree?

Does anyone read this?

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Driving Driving Driving Eating Driving Dancing Driving Driving...

so last night was the streetlight manifesto concert i've been waiting for, for a long time.

I left blackburn and drove to southern illinois to take some stuff back and pick alecia up - 2hrs

then left so. ill, towards st. louis. We went to the spaghetti factory to eat - 1.75hrs.

Made our way to the venue. we got lost, was offered some drugs, i think, then found it.

listened to first band The Epic Mayham. They were good and ska.

Listened to second band. Dan Potthast (sp?). He had his acoustic guitar and is in MU330. He played some MU330 and his own songs. he was funny and good. I got caught video recording him and they made me leave...

then i had to put my camera in my car.

and go back in.

so then ZOX played. They were interesting. Had a violinist who was good. Did some interesting things during some songs too.

finally streetlight manifesto played. they were great. itgot realyl crowded, i almost lost my glasses twice but i caught them. They played good songs including a nofx cover (linoleum) and a bandits of the acoustic revolution song (its a wonderful life). They were really fun, we were right up front.

I bought a bandits of the acoustic revolution shirt and alecia bought two streetlight shirts.

we left, drove for 2 hours towards sesser where alecia lives and stopped a few times for gas/ prospects of getting slushies but not getting anything because they didnt have the right kind/getting energy drink -2hrs

then i got to alecias and dropped her off there and headed back to blackburn. i ended up stopping at a shell station in nashville that blurted something out at me really loud that i didnt understand about the gas and check card or something so i put the pump back in the holder and left... i ended up at the same gas station i went to earlier in the night and didnt buy anything. I was awake ok until 30 miles til blackburn where i began feeling really sleepy... i made it at around 4:45 and slept -2hrs.

then i woke up the next morning at 8 for work.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Big Question

Do people get driven to craziness through actions, instances, people, etc. or were we born with this time bomb of crazy? Or is it maybe a remote bomb of crazy that is set off by an action(s), instance(s), person(s), etc(s)?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I dont usually do these things, but this one is not the same one as every other one ever made, and i like the topic so i'll do it.

1] what was the first ska band you heard?
umm... I think mighty mighty bosstones

2] when do you think streetlight’s new CD will come out?
better question: when will botar make another cd?

3] have you heard the clips of the new songs on their website?
I did, and some live footage too.

4] the aquabats: pretty damn weird, or super rad?
super rad for pretty damn weird people

5] catch or streetlight?
Streetlight... but now days there more original members of catch 22 in sm than there is in catch 22... streetlight has put better stuff out than catch 22 (and the same with keasbey2)

6] what is your honest opinion about less than jake?
I dont listen to them a ton, i saw them a few years ago at warped tour. i like to listen to them occasionally, but not one of my favorite ska bands.

7] best local ska band?
by local i hope you mean stl because there isnt much to offer around me. so i'll say... secret cajun band.

8] who is the better ska band from boston: big d, or the bosstones?
umm tough to compare, so iwont.

9] have you ever seen suburban legends?

10] if so, were they not amazing??

11] how often to you skank?

12] do you think its overkill when a ska band puts "ska" in just about everything?
no. i like it.

13] do you have a pair of checkerboard slip ons?

14] is arron barret god?

15] which is the most underrated ska band?
tons of them.

13] who was the first ska band you listened to?
im not sure.

14] are streetlight’s lyrics somewhat emo to you?

15] is goldfinger still ska?
i dont know... do their guitars still go ritcha ritcha ritcha, and do their horns go (i dont know how to spell a horn sound)... it doesnt matter too much... i like a few of their songs but dont listen to them much

16] who got you into ska?
desmond dekker came to me in a dream and told me about it.

17] do you know what b.o.t.a.r. stands for?
yes i do.

18] how many times have you seen big d & the kids table live?

19] 2 tone, or speed ska?
both have great bands

20] last ska show you were at?
The Toasters, Deals Gone Bad, Red Light Runners, and a country western ska band (skas the limit party)

21] are you going to the arrogant sons of bitches reunion show?
no, but i am going to see bomb the music industry!

22] best ska lyrics ever:
pickitup pickitup pickitup chshchsh chshchsh chshchsh hip hip hip hip hip

23] which wave of ska was the best?
Two tone probably, but all are close.

24] were you sad when you heard matt wong was leaving reel big fish?
not at all

25] best ska cover?
hmm... little bitch does that count since it was originally ska? new england is good. i liked 99 red baloons too.

26] how long have you been listening to ska?
consistantly: quite awhile umm... lemme think... 4 years probably... but i listened to it some before that.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Suck

I Suck Athletically
I Suck Academically
I Suck Romantically

Thursday, March 06, 2008


i'm leaving for hilton head island, South Carolina in a few hours (6:00pm) with the Blackburn golf team. We are staying a week and playing all the awesome courses. I am very excited to go! I will make sure to post many pics and videos of the trip!

annyways... i need to go and get more things ready. You know where i'll be for the next week so, i wont be on here.

Monday, March 03, 2008

I am possible the dumbest person I know right now

I'll make a short story long here:

I'm supposed to be making this review of the toasters concert for my journalism class... well i've been procrastination as usual and not really feeling like sleepign anyways. So two energy drinks gone and its 4:45 and i'm not done with my paper. Well i was looking up some information for my paper and on the Ska's the Limit site they have a thing to stream a bunch of stuff from that concert.. so i clicked on it and opened winamp... it then started playing....

i had also been on the off broadway myspace page before ....

anyways i was listening and nothing sounded familiar so i was confused. i thought maybe i should just wait and then the music i recognized would start playing. Instead it was this kinda crappy music. I wait and waited and then made the horrible realization that i wasted the last 15 minutes of my life listening to crappy music and not listening to the concert because:

my winamp sound was muted. and the off broadway myspace page had music. sucky music.

sooo i figured that out... and the concert is halfway done with the first band and i just exited the mspace page... actually i think i went to blogger with it...

I'm dumb

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Perfect Skaturday!

Tomorrow, February 23, 2008
Myself and Alecia, Mason, Bardo, and Travis are going to embark on a journey that will take us down many snowy roads until we reach our destination of Off Broadway. We will begin our journey by leaving around noon towards St. Louis. We will pass by many monuments on the way like, corn fields full of snow, grass fields full of snow, cars with snow on them, and people who hate snow. The whole way there letting the musical talents of bands such as, The Toasters, The Slackers, The Pietasters, Bomb the Music Industry!, and The Planet Smashers seep into our soul and caress the senses that cause movement of the feet and arms until we will hardly be able to contain ourselves. Once at our destination of St. Louis we will fuel our energy for the events going on later in the night by filling up at the Spaghetti Factory with spaghetti, salad, ice cream, and other delicious items. After we digest the food, we will travel, possibly nowhere, possibly to the venue. Once their our feet will be one horn from dancing in anticipation. We will get our tickets into the venue and find a place to sit and/or stand. The music will begin to thump out of the speakers and our feet will begin to move and our arms begin to fly. We will be zombies to the music. Then, finally, in conclusion, The TOASTERS will come on stage. Out hearts will pound, our jaws will drop, our feet will move, and something else will happen. Then The Toasters will play their final note of the night as we clap our hands in anticipation that they may come back out to play another song. Out of nowhere we hear horns and then guitar and bass. Then the drums come and we start all over again, being turned into zombies. Then they will stop playing and then...

annnnd thennnnn

annnnnnnnnnddddd thhhheeeennnnnnnnnnnn

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddd thhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...


Then we will leave and drive home and sleep the end.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Buzz Box

So... I have been sitting here tonite (pretty late, but dont worry, this time it was a weekend)...

earlier today i had a migraine... for most the day and missed out on class and work.

its better now though

ANNYWAYSSS... on with the point of this blog:

i'm in my room tonite by myself since my roomate went home for the weekend. I have just been messing around on the computer playing albatross 18 and stuff. I noticed that on comedy central right now there were infomercials, which eventually turned to the Buzz Box infomercial. It was not the first time seeing that infomercial, but the reason I am blogging about this is because The Buzz Box infomercial has extracted more thought and emotion out of me than any other infomercial, ever.

if you dont know what the informercial it is about, its for this collection of CDs with music from the 90s and some 2000s. It is all alternative rock music.

the dang infomercial really made me think back to when each of those songs were being played on the radio. those days were back when i listened to the radio. Is it just coincidence that i stopped? or has popular music really gone that far down hill?

I knew most the words to the songs they played and they also reminded me of certain times. Many of them just reminded me of my childhood. Most of the memories came in the area of probably 5th grade to freshman in highschool. Lots of them reminded me of all the times i used to go to six flags with craig and stuff. Some reminded me of other things. either way, for some reason my throat felt heavy listening to this music. Maybe it was a confirmation that those times are gone and i cant go back. (maybe cant go back besides by listening to the music). It was just kinda crazy how much this infomercial got out of me (much more than the girls gone wild and bowflex ones do!)

i'm also happy to realise that when i was younger i still had a pretty good taste in music. most the songs on that cd i would consider good. some on there i wouldnt, but i'm really not ashamed of my music tastes when i was younger. I am sure they have led me to my current tastes.

anyways this blog was pretty much pointless. When i began it, i thought i would have lots of good things to write but it didnt happen.

the buzz box is over $100 so i'm not getting it. The commercial will have to do for my occasional nostalgia (i cant spell).

oh and i suppose since someone else posted one of these, i will do it and add my answers.
have you ever...?

been in love?: yes
ate cactus?: no
rode a horse?: yes
skinny dipped?: sorta.
streaked?: sorta.
toilet papered a house?: yes
touched a donkey?: is this a sexual inuendo? NO.
made out in the dark?: yes
in the rain?: yes
in public?: yes
ate dirt?: yes
fainted?: yes
been in a mosh pit?: YES
made a mosh pit?: YES
had liberty spikes?: no
had a mohawk?: yes
failed a grade?: no
been in a band?: no
been in marching band?: no (was in beginning band for a few weeks in 5th grade though)
wrote an anonomous love letter?: i dont think
hate letter?: anonmous?
had a friend named Bob?: We used to call Craig Bob for awhile.
made hemp bracelets?: no
had a heat spell?: I dont know i think it was a bad migraine.
stripped?: yes
been on a sport team?: yes
gotten beat up?: psh.. someone beat ME up? pssh.
played in mud?: yes
thought about your existance?: yes
swam in a pond?: yes
kissed a stranger?: no
had more than 1 love?: no
gave blood?: no
belive in love at first sight?: umm, in most cases no, and depends on your definition of love.
been deep sea fishing?: no
pet a dolphin?: maybe at sea world? maybe not.
ate grass?: yes, on accident, and on purpose once.
been to a concert?: yes
been to a show?: yes
been to a party?: yes
been drunk?: yes
smoked?: no, well i smoked a cigar when a baby was born :D
got high?: no
see sawed?: yes
went to a scary movie and left?: no
talked to a cow?: not sure
skateboarded?: yes
fell?: yes
snowboarded?: yes
iceskated?: yes
mowed the lawn?: yes
listened to rave music?: like consistantly? no.
rap?: not really
rock?: yes
indie?: yes
emo?: sorta... never really liked it, but heard it a lot for awhile...
dressed goth?: no
dressed prep?: no not really
talked to yourself?: yes
cut yourself?: no
seen a naked person?: yes
taken a shower with your clothes on?: swimming trunks...
worn socks to bed?: yes, almost every night
cussed an animal out?: slightly probably
worn bright pink?: yes
worn black lipstick?: no
been obsessed over somebody?: yes
been kissed by the opposite sex?: yes
saw story of the year in concert?: umm... yes for a few moments before i left.
yellowcard?: no, didnt see them, but did hear them
antiflag?: yes
listened to country?: no
been to a country concert?: yes... it sucked.
fed a llama?: dont know
rode an elephant?: possibly
watched a nonrated movie?: yes
saw a shark?: possibly
had AOL?: yes
been on the internet for over 5 hours at a time?: yes
cussed somebody out in a different language?: yes
been burned?: yes
been bit by a person?: yes
ate raw meat?: does sushi count?
left your light on after watching a scary movie?: yes
told a joke and nobody laughed?: yes
made your own clothes?: t shirts
took antidepressants?: no
asked somebody out?: yes
danced in your room naked?: probably
sung in the shower?: yes, but prefer dancing.
found money?: yes
gave bad advice on purpose?: no
made someone cry?: yes
ate a whole box of pizza in one day?: like a whole pizza? yes.
bought something off of ebay?: yeah
never paid somebody back?: yes
done a really stupid dare?: yes
done something embarassing in public for attention?: probably.
talked on the phone for 4 hours?: yes
drunk out of a sippy cup?: yes
listened to hot hot heat?: not consistantly but have listened to a song or two
had a pen pal?: yes
won an award for anything?: yes
grew a plant?: yesh
have you ever pee'd in the woods?: yep

hey what do you know, two for one! you really got your money's worth... that is unless for some reason you actually paid any kind of money to see this... then you got screwed!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Screw This

Why am I so dumb?

I stay up tonite, like most nights to do my homework.
But before I can start my homework I HAVE to finish anything else I could start.
So I start anything I can do.
Then I get so mad at myself for being so dumb and not doing my homework.
I decide to just screw it and try to do it in the morning.

then I stay up...


writing a blog about how dumb I am.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stupid Electronics!

hey there, (12:10am)
i'm sitting here about to do my homework
its past midnight, its normal
but i was not about to start it without listening to music (11:30pm)
so i just moved into the new room with the new roomate
so i decided to use the headphones i got for christmas
apparently they are high quality and worth a lot
anyways the time was 11 something
i put the headphones in my ear and start the music
so i checked the balances of the music...
it looked fine
then i figured i got some ear wax in my left ear headphone (dont puke)
so it was true there was some in there
i got it out with my thumb tack
i put it back in, it still sounded off.
so after many attempts to fix it,
it still wouldnt work
stupid electronics!

oh yeah, turns out i cant hear as much out of my left ear for some reason.

now i may start my homework

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I Think I May Have Hit a College Milestone (or maybe a life milestone)

My life may be changing drastically.
Economically and Dinnerly.

I think I may have hit the point of really getting tired of ramen noodles and popcorn.
maybe its just a phase.

either way, all i have had to eat today is ramen and popcorn.
and i'm laying in bed past midnight and all I can think about is how hungry I am.
I was close to crying over my hunger...

anyways i was laying there watching the food channel
it was iron chef.
all of that stuff looked soo good
then the next show had lasgna and stuff.
that stuff looked so good
it just made me more and more hungry.
I knew all i had was ramen.
I was almost willing not to eat it because i wanted something better.

well in the end i gave in and got my ramen and made it...
im waiting for it to cool as i type this.

the point is:
I think i am very possibly going to stop being so cheap with food.
I may go out more to better places
I may start buying food over $3 at walmart!
I may actually cook some stuff.

... now all i need is money.

Packers vs Giants!


note... you are surely reading this after the game is already over.

but currently, overtime just started and the giants just missed their 2nd field goal... this one to win the game and go to the superbowl.

now packers have it in overtime trying to make it down the field

This has been a great game and i hope the packers come up on top!

i'll add more after the game!

OH NO!!!!



edit 2:

giants have a chance to win it...again... with a field goal!!!!

here it goess!

he's missed 2



giants won.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

When I Die

I'll make you party at my funeral
'Cause mourning is for suckers.
I'll rent a ferris wheel and
cotton candy machine and have open bar
with all the Pabst that you can drink
the PA blasting my Clash records.
You'll finally know that life's okay
Even when bad things happen.

and i wish i wrote that, cause i'd be cool
but i'm that cool, but at least i am cool enough
to hear cool music

it was Bomb the Music Industry btw.

and yes... this needs to be saved, for when I do die. I'm Serious.

Friday, January 18, 2008

came up short

i came up short at bingo. I was going for the holy grail of bingo. 3 wins in a row.
The first time I played bingo I won a digital camera. The second time i played bingo i won a 32" flatscreen tv (which i am currently typing on).

so this time, i was going for the george foreman grill. Oh that would be nice. BUT i didnt win. I hate my life.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

quick news

after quite a few hours of working on this website that would not do what I wanted, I got it to do what I wanted.

I'm creating a website about Sears Catalog Homes. (if you are from blackburn you may have seen the flyers advertising to do this)

this site looks like it will be HUGE.
The lady I am doing this for has a huge collection of many things that will be on this site. She wrote a book on it and there is more to come.

I am going to work pretty hard on this and try to make it look really good. I also have to work fast so I will do that too.

I'm just a little excited because this is my biggest deal on designing a website so far. I have been thinking a lot, but I am sure my good ideas will not come until I am in my thinking place(s).

the shower and the toilet.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh yeah, Good and bad news of late

do you want the good new or the bad news first?

it doesnt matter what you want, this blog is not interactive.

so here's the good first.

I got my computer hooked to my new tv so now my computer screen is huge
I made it through break alive
Turns out I only have two books to buy
I get to make a website for someone! FOR MONEY!
You are reading my blog
I am about to put my new memory in my pc (and by "I", i mean marcus)
There's more i'm sure but i'm also sure that i'm done for now

I am poor
I have more classes than i have time for and i am going to drop my drawing class
When I was born I had a certain defect which waited til this year to show symptoms of
THe streetlight manifesto concert was postponed
The Feature Presentation concert was canceled
...oh yeah the defect is called "super dumbness and forgetfullness"

And just now i had an idea: turn my bads into good things to make myself feel better:

I am poor... which makes me humble?
I have more classes ...etc... I get to take the class later and it wont hurt my gpa since i decided already
at least i found the defect this early and still have a chance to fix it
now maybe some more friends will be able to go to the show since its postponed to a possibly more convenient date
I ate out instead of the fp show
and admitting is hte first step.

alright i hope that was entertaining and educational.


Monday, January 14, 2008

jan13 new phone i'm dumb

i'm playing ncaa. its late, i have to ge4t up early
i have a new phone number. 618-542-7088, add it, and let me know.

its a go phone though, so be careful on talking to me a ton.
unless you are cingular. in which case. talk to me alot.

im winning my game. i have new memory for the computer, i should add it soon.
the break was really fun. i was excited to come back to blackburn, but i was sad to leave home and the break.

yada yada yada

Monday, December 24, 2007

Chistmas Eve Going on Christmas

Hey there loyal reader(s).

Its 11:35 pm, Christmas Eve.

so far so good. No terrible catastrophes.
My presents have been pretty nice so far.
I usually feel like I dont deserve them.
BUT I'll still accept them.

so far there's been shoes, clothes, computer program, concert tickets, money,headphones, food and some other things.

I'm pretty fortunate for this stuff.

Part of this all does suck with it being the first Christmas with my mom not being around much and my dad feeling like crap most the time. But, I should not complain. I am way more fortunate than many people.

so anyways i have a new cell phone too... ask me for the number... please! i dont wnat to just post it on here for anyone to see, but i'd love to give it to you, and you should give me yours! deal.

i'm listening to lots of ska music right now. Nothing puts you in the christmas mood like ska music.

i have these new headphones, i cant hear a thing anyone is doing around me. That is very nice.

i really feel bad i have not been able to get most people things. I have no money. I have got some things for some people, but the fact is I had to gather change in my room to be able to get home in the first place. and i barely made it that way.

anyways i think santa is almost here so i better go to my room before i screw it over by being awake and then my little brother and sister wont get any presents.

everyone have a happy christmas and dont hurt yourself to start the new year.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


I have a Bipolar life.
I'm not bipolar.
Everyone is bipolar now days.
I'm not.

My life just is.
Lately it is at least.
Some of the worst
and best things
have happened to me lately

examples? no.
ok i'll give a few:
Here's some on the low side:
halloween party incident which ended with the ambulance taking me to the hospital
me and alecia's break up
my parents split up

here's some on the good side:
won a new dig. camera playing bingo
got back together with alecia
won a new hdtv playing bingo

so there you have it... give me some prozak.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Hardest Part

The hardest part is not what they say it is.
It is not getting the courage to begin.

Its easy to begin
The hard part is when you want to end but

you dont because of reasons you cant think of and
people you don't know

Its sticking it out for what is right
sticking it out for what might

happen if you do
and when it doesn't happen

You stick it out some more for
the chance that the goal may be reached

and when the goal is forgotten
you still stick it out because

it is all that you know by now and
it has become a habit

now the hardest part is breaking that habit
where again they say the hardest part is deciding to quit

And they are wrong again


please note that i wrote this at 4:45am off the top of my head.
AND if you are worried that this is something about you and there's something wrong or something like that, stop worrying, there isnt anything wrong.

I dont exactly where this came from or what its exactly about in my life. Maybe school and my homework, because thats what i NEED to be doing right now. Either way, i dont know. i never sleep. good bye

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Its been awhile

It appears i have been part of blogger since 2004. Now here is my second blog! So for those of you who were desperately waiting for a second blog from me, this is it, this is the moment you have all beeen waiting for.

Let me catch you up with my life in one word:


there ya go.

Look out for my next blog...

(in 3 years?)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


I will let u rate my stories on my site now...