Tuesday, January 12, 2010

100 Push Up Challenge

I'm about to start the 100 Push Up Challenge. It is a plan that is supposed to get me to the strength to do 100 push ups. I'm going to start today with the 1st test to see how many I can currently do. I have a feeling that it is a small number since my arms are quite sore from moving people in and out of dorms and multiple sports yesterday... Now excuse me for a few seconds while I try to do as many push ups as I can...

alright... I'm weak, I admit it. As I got down in the push up position my entire body starting popping. My shoulders were hurting before my first push up. Anyways I did 40. I really expected I could do more than that. I probably could have done a few more, but I was not feeling well at #40. Well, in the back of my mind, I hoped I could just do 100 right off the bat, so I could consider it a victory and be done, but now it looks like I NEED the 6 week program to get to 100. So, lucky for you (readers) I will be doing the program until I get 100 push ups (in one try), and I will be writing my very interesting trials and tribulations on the way.

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