Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dumb Blog #476

Here it is again. I'm writing and you once again are not reading (by "you" I mean "most people" [I'm not stupid, I know YOU are reading this]).

I think I should start video blogging, or Vlogging as they call it I think. People are reading less and less and watching more and more, but on the downside, YOU would have to see my face everytime (or maybe I could think of something else) and I would have to not look horrible everytime. For example right now I'm blogging (not vlogging) and I look like crap, but it doesn't matter. It also doesn't matter that I'm going to have to go to the bathroom half way through this since time is not a factor when you I'm typing, but it is if I'm being recorded.

(bathroom break)

(15 minutes later)

anywho, where was I?

oh yeah I was talking about a bunch of nonsense. Now I'll continue.

So here's an idea. to get lots of people (over 3!) people to read this blog, I will mention a bunch of names so people will see them (I know how interested you are in yourself).

Here we go. Trent: you suck
Alecia: You have been sick (as have I [oh yeah world, forgot to mention, I've been really sick so if you've seen me lately and thought i looked like crap... I also felt like it.) I love you.
Chuck: thanks for getting me subway and medicine, or taking me there, no thanks for taking my pc from me for so long (3 days) and making me pc binge tonite. I guess the joke is on you though, because you've probably suffered through this whole blog now. HA!
Travis: you won't read this, so i won't bother
Tiger Woods: thanks for being on the cover of my latest obsession (tiger woods 08 for pc)
Timesplitters 2: thanks for being such a great videogame.
Golf Channel: thanks for giving me stuff to watch.
Trent: you've lost focus on the reason you are putting names on here
Alecia: 2nd mention
I quit.

I should have said this earlier. Everyone go to this link: http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/showdown/PreviewArtworks/174925 and look at my picture, and give me a 10 or whatever you think! Voting doesn't start til later though.

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