Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dumb Blog #476

Here it is again. I'm writing and you once again are not reading (by "you" I mean "most people" [I'm not stupid, I know YOU are reading this]).

I think I should start video blogging, or Vlogging as they call it I think. People are reading less and less and watching more and more, but on the downside, YOU would have to see my face everytime (or maybe I could think of something else) and I would have to not look horrible everytime. For example right now I'm blogging (not vlogging) and I look like crap, but it doesn't matter. It also doesn't matter that I'm going to have to go to the bathroom half way through this since time is not a factor when you I'm typing, but it is if I'm being recorded.

(bathroom break)

(15 minutes later)

anywho, where was I?

oh yeah I was talking about a bunch of nonsense. Now I'll continue.

So here's an idea. to get lots of people (over 3!) people to read this blog, I will mention a bunch of names so people will see them (I know how interested you are in yourself).

Here we go. Trent: you suck
Alecia: You have been sick (as have I [oh yeah world, forgot to mention, I've been really sick so if you've seen me lately and thought i looked like crap... I also felt like it.) I love you.
Chuck: thanks for getting me subway and medicine, or taking me there, no thanks for taking my pc from me for so long (3 days) and making me pc binge tonite. I guess the joke is on you though, because you've probably suffered through this whole blog now. HA!
Travis: you won't read this, so i won't bother
Tiger Woods: thanks for being on the cover of my latest obsession (tiger woods 08 for pc)
Timesplitters 2: thanks for being such a great videogame.
Golf Channel: thanks for giving me stuff to watch.
Trent: you've lost focus on the reason you are putting names on here
Alecia: 2nd mention
I quit.

I should have said this earlier. Everyone go to this link: http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/showdown/PreviewArtworks/174925 and look at my picture, and give me a 10 or whatever you think! Voting doesn't start til later though.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My TV just stopped

OH no!, my tv just stoppped showing my images. The daily show is no longer on. Did ... oh wait, it just came back on.,, but its messed up... blurry and staticy, staticky, statiky. idk..

i should be working on my graphic design project anyways. I mean i am working on it...

in the end. i like the flamethrower burger from dq. Its really good.

This may be my worse blog ever...

I know what can save it:

Fred Spins a Ball from Trent Fred on Vimeo.

ok, anyways... the weekend was good to me... I golfed my best and worse rounds in one day... hung out with my friends and all kinda stuff...

i should blog more often.

If anyone reads this you should blog ... i mean after reading through this much crap you should at least get credit right?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Whatever passes through my mind in the next few minutes

I always think of things I should blog about, but never do. I'm lazy I guess. Anyways, this... may not be one of those things I think of entirely. I'll just type some things I think about.

Just now. I reached in my pocket. My hand came out with RED fingers! The smell was nasty. I then remembered earlier in the day when I was thinking, "it is dumb of me to put these ketchup packets in my pocket, why don't I throw them away".

I've been working on the www.burnianonline.com website a lot... the new stuff isnt up yet, but everyone should beging going there constantly.

Last week was crazy.
2 weddings and a funeral.

I'm sleeping more this semester. Thats good.

I'm golfing better this semester. Thats good.

I bought a golf simulator. Thats good.

I have some ideas that will make me rich. Thats good.

Anyways I think 2 movies are coming out tomorrow that I want to see:

South Park is hilarious, but I watched this episode earlier, so I may change the channel. Its the one where Cartman gets the crap beat out of him.

Leesha's doing good...

Jessica's wedding was great...

This blog is almost over.