Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh yeah, Good and bad news of late

do you want the good new or the bad news first?

it doesnt matter what you want, this blog is not interactive.

so here's the good first.

I got my computer hooked to my new tv so now my computer screen is huge
I made it through break alive
Turns out I only have two books to buy
I get to make a website for someone! FOR MONEY!
You are reading my blog
I am about to put my new memory in my pc (and by "I", i mean marcus)
There's more i'm sure but i'm also sure that i'm done for now

I am poor
I have more classes than i have time for and i am going to drop my drawing class
When I was born I had a certain defect which waited til this year to show symptoms of
THe streetlight manifesto concert was postponed
The Feature Presentation concert was canceled
...oh yeah the defect is called "super dumbness and forgetfullness"

And just now i had an idea: turn my bads into good things to make myself feel better:

I am poor... which makes me humble?
I have more classes ...etc... I get to take the class later and it wont hurt my gpa since i decided already
at least i found the defect this early and still have a chance to fix it
now maybe some more friends will be able to go to the show since its postponed to a possibly more convenient date
I ate out instead of the fp show
and admitting is hte first step.

alright i hope that was entertaining and educational.


1 comment:

Uh... Leesha? said...

i was really worried when i rad that you had a defect and you just found out about it...
i thought i was missing out on something... but then i realized that your defect was "super dumbness and forgetfulness" and then i realized "oh, well, i already knew that."
no i'm jk. you're super smart and remember-ful. :)

and who else is going to the sm show with us? i thought that was just supposed to be an "us" thing.
