Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Stupid Electronics!

hey there, (12:10am)
i'm sitting here about to do my homework
its past midnight, its normal
but i was not about to start it without listening to music (11:30pm)
so i just moved into the new room with the new roomate
so i decided to use the headphones i got for christmas
apparently they are high quality and worth a lot
anyways the time was 11 something
i put the headphones in my ear and start the music
so i checked the balances of the music...
it looked fine
then i figured i got some ear wax in my left ear headphone (dont puke)
so it was true there was some in there
i got it out with my thumb tack
i put it back in, it still sounded off.
so after many attempts to fix it,
it still wouldnt work
stupid electronics!

oh yeah, turns out i cant hear as much out of my left ear for some reason.

now i may start my homework

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I Think I May Have Hit a College Milestone (or maybe a life milestone)

My life may be changing drastically.
Economically and Dinnerly.

I think I may have hit the point of really getting tired of ramen noodles and popcorn.
maybe its just a phase.

either way, all i have had to eat today is ramen and popcorn.
and i'm laying in bed past midnight and all I can think about is how hungry I am.
I was close to crying over my hunger...

anyways i was laying there watching the food channel
it was iron chef.
all of that stuff looked soo good
then the next show had lasgna and stuff.
that stuff looked so good
it just made me more and more hungry.
I knew all i had was ramen.
I was almost willing not to eat it because i wanted something better.

well in the end i gave in and got my ramen and made it...
im waiting for it to cool as i type this.

the point is:
I think i am very possibly going to stop being so cheap with food.
I may go out more to better places
I may start buying food over $3 at walmart!
I may actually cook some stuff.

... now all i need is money.

Packers vs Giants!


note... you are surely reading this after the game is already over.

but currently, overtime just started and the giants just missed their 2nd field goal... this one to win the game and go to the superbowl.

now packers have it in overtime trying to make it down the field

This has been a great game and i hope the packers come up on top!

i'll add more after the game!

OH NO!!!!



edit 2:

giants have a chance to win it...again... with a field goal!!!!

here it goess!

he's missed 2



giants won.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

When I Die

I'll make you party at my funeral
'Cause mourning is for suckers.
I'll rent a ferris wheel and
cotton candy machine and have open bar
with all the Pabst that you can drink
the PA blasting my Clash records.
You'll finally know that life's okay
Even when bad things happen.

and i wish i wrote that, cause i'd be cool
but i'm that cool, but at least i am cool enough
to hear cool music

it was Bomb the Music Industry btw.

and yes... this needs to be saved, for when I do die. I'm Serious.

Friday, January 18, 2008

came up short

i came up short at bingo. I was going for the holy grail of bingo. 3 wins in a row.
The first time I played bingo I won a digital camera. The second time i played bingo i won a 32" flatscreen tv (which i am currently typing on).

so this time, i was going for the george foreman grill. Oh that would be nice. BUT i didnt win. I hate my life.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

quick news

after quite a few hours of working on this website that would not do what I wanted, I got it to do what I wanted.

I'm creating a website about Sears Catalog Homes. (if you are from blackburn you may have seen the flyers advertising to do this)

this site looks like it will be HUGE.
The lady I am doing this for has a huge collection of many things that will be on this site. She wrote a book on it and there is more to come.

I am going to work pretty hard on this and try to make it look really good. I also have to work fast so I will do that too.

I'm just a little excited because this is my biggest deal on designing a website so far. I have been thinking a lot, but I am sure my good ideas will not come until I am in my thinking place(s).

the shower and the toilet.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh yeah, Good and bad news of late

do you want the good new or the bad news first?

it doesnt matter what you want, this blog is not interactive.

so here's the good first.

I got my computer hooked to my new tv so now my computer screen is huge
I made it through break alive
Turns out I only have two books to buy
I get to make a website for someone! FOR MONEY!
You are reading my blog
I am about to put my new memory in my pc (and by "I", i mean marcus)
There's more i'm sure but i'm also sure that i'm done for now

I am poor
I have more classes than i have time for and i am going to drop my drawing class
When I was born I had a certain defect which waited til this year to show symptoms of
THe streetlight manifesto concert was postponed
The Feature Presentation concert was canceled
...oh yeah the defect is called "super dumbness and forgetfullness"

And just now i had an idea: turn my bads into good things to make myself feel better:

I am poor... which makes me humble?
I have more classes ...etc... I get to take the class later and it wont hurt my gpa since i decided already
at least i found the defect this early and still have a chance to fix it
now maybe some more friends will be able to go to the show since its postponed to a possibly more convenient date
I ate out instead of the fp show
and admitting is hte first step.

alright i hope that was entertaining and educational.


Monday, January 14, 2008

jan13 new phone i'm dumb

i'm playing ncaa. its late, i have to ge4t up early
i have a new phone number. 618-542-7088, add it, and let me know.

its a go phone though, so be careful on talking to me a ton.
unless you are cingular. in which case. talk to me alot.

im winning my game. i have new memory for the computer, i should add it soon.
the break was really fun. i was excited to come back to blackburn, but i was sad to leave home and the break.

yada yada yada