Friday, February 26, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Story Time

Hello faithful viewer.
I am in Junior Seminar right now. For an art student at Blackburn college, that means I am doing a gallery showing. I am doing motion graphics for the show. I have the rest of the semester to finish 5 or 6 pieces. Each piece will be done in a different style. The theme for my art will be storytelling. I am trying to come up with stories to tell through my art.

I have a few stories planned already, but I am looking for some good stories to tell still. I am not necessarily looking for strictly non-fiction stories, but I am looking for non-fiction style stories. I am not looking for fantasy type stories, although exaggerated "big fish" stories are welcomed. What I am asking you, my viewer of this blog entry, is for some stories. They can be of about any subject. They can be humorous, sad, scary, or anything else. They can be extravagant with a million plot twists or can be of a simple happening. They can be of the most important matter like the time you stopped the nuke from being launched towards Antarctica, or as mundane as your friend spreading a dumb rumor about you.

You can email, facebook, or leave a comment of your story. You could also talk to me or any other way you want to tell me. If you do give me a story, I want you to understand that I may or may not use it in the artwork. I may use ideas from it and I may change things. So if you are worried about the story of the time you killed your roommate to get straight A's getting out, I wouldn't tell it to me. If you aren't worried about the police finding that out, be my guest, that'd be a good story. Anyways, don't feel bad if you don't give me a story or don't give one that I want to use. For the coming weeks I will be thinking of stories regardless of what is sent here. These stories can just be fuel for some thought process or can be some complete stories I use.

Now, something more important than the stories (I guess this should have been first.). For the gallery I will be setting up the animations on old TVs. What I don't have at the moment is a lot of old TVs (or money). So I am asking for donations of old TVs for my gallery exhibit. Just letting me use the TV in your basement that nobody in your family uses anymore would be nice. I'd prefer not feeling bad for taking your family's only TV though, so don't worry about it if thats the case. Also I would appreciate it if anyone tells me about a cheap old TV (preferably either around carlinville or southern illinois) at a garage sell or salvation army or something. Once again, a comment, email, phone call, live contact, or any other form of communication would work.

good bye

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

100 Push Up Challenge

I'm about to start the 100 Push Up Challenge. It is a plan that is supposed to get me to the strength to do 100 push ups. I'm going to start today with the 1st test to see how many I can currently do. I have a feeling that it is a small number since my arms are quite sore from moving people in and out of dorms and multiple sports yesterday... Now excuse me for a few seconds while I try to do as many push ups as I can...

alright... I'm weak, I admit it. As I got down in the push up position my entire body starting popping. My shoulders were hurting before my first push up. Anyways I did 40. I really expected I could do more than that. I probably could have done a few more, but I was not feeling well at #40. Well, in the back of my mind, I hoped I could just do 100 right off the bat, so I could consider it a victory and be done, but now it looks like I NEED the 6 week program to get to 100. So, lucky for you (readers) I will be doing the program until I get 100 push ups (in one try), and I will be writing my very interesting trials and tribulations on the way.