Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 (semi)random things

random things about me
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I shouldn't even be doing this right now. It is 1:17am and I should be starting my homework.

2. I sometimes wonder if I'm more of a geek or a jock. I don't really think I'm either, but I love computers and electronics. I wear thick glasses, and I make geeky jokes. I also play about any sport you can shake a stick at, and I'm very competitive in them all.

3. I made two (or actually more) websites for myself when I was younger (7th grade-so. in high school) but haven't got around to making a current one, even though I'm always planning to. I guess I can thank facebook and myspace for the delay.

4. I'm planning on creating a series of shows for the youtube. All in the colormation effect that I've been messing with. The name is picked out in my head by not confirmed yet. Some friends are planning to help a lot. It will be funny. It will also take the world by storm.

5. Sometimes I think I'm funnier than people appreciate.

6. Sometimes I think that maybe I'm a little full of myself.

7. Sometimes I think I don't think enough of myself.

8. Sometimes my sense of humor includes my own inside jokes. I make good jokes that only I get.

9. I also continuously make fun of some things by doing them so much that people think I'm not making fun of something. Like how people answer the phone, "yyeeellloo"

10. For most my life I've always been a really nice person, but I also have the ability to be a really big butt hole.

11. I enjoy food a ton.

12. I'm on a diet right now. 35 pounds by the end of the school year (gain). So far I've gained 6.

13. My girlfriend is great, and knows I'm crazy, but hasn't ran away or institutionalized me.

14. I really like the show, LOST, and I've followed it the whole time. It is really exciting.

15. I would consider myself open minded when it comes to music, but I've also found what I like and I'm not going to waste my time listening to a bunch of country and rap to find music to listen to.

16. btw, I like ska music and punk music mostly. I also branch off in other directions.

17. I don't think I can ever make up my mind when it comes to sports:
Middle School: Baseball, Basketball, Track
Fresh HS: Track, Cross Country
So. HS: Baseball, Cross Country
Jr. Hs: Baseball, Golf
Sr. Hs: Baseball, Golf
Fresh College: Golf
So. College: Golf
Jr. College: (who knows!? haha)

18. I wish I could always find people who can compete with me in: basketball, ping pong, tennis, golf, racquetball, and other sports, but its hard to find.

19. I have a Nintendo Entertainment System in my room.

20. I built my computer (sorta... with help!) and it is NICE. It can play Crysis on full settings! Nice step up from ps2.

21. I truly believe my pc has better graphics than ps3 and xbox 360.

22. I sometimes let my inner geek come out too much.

23. I enjoy embarrassing Alecia in many ways. Usually noises I make and things I do.

24. I'm starting to really think of some good ones, but I'm running out of spaces to put them. Now that I think about it, saying this is very counterproductive.

25. I wish I had an energy drink right now, since its time to start my homework. Its been a long time since I've had an energy drink though.

I'd also like to mention that I'm blind in my left eye.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Golf Team Raffle (HELP!)

Hello, this may be my first blog that actually serves a purpose (other than just to write and entertain, etc).

The golf team is underfunded this year so we need to produce more money for traveling to Hilton Head.

We are doing raffle tickets. The prize is a $100 Wal-Mart gift card. The tickets are $1 each, $5 for 6, or $10 for 13. If you'd like to get more we can work something out.

So, I am asking through this blog if anyone will help. Any help would be appreciated very much. You could also win $100. The odds aren't too bad.

Just get in touch with me somehow (in person, facebook, email [trentfred at], phone [6185427088], yelling, myspace, youtube, snailmail, etc). I can take cash, checks (payable to Blackburn Golf Club), Paypal, and probably anything else you can think of that would work.

Thank you

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Facebook, videos, and copyrights

Today I get on my facebook account and I had a notice that told me that they deleted my "colormation" because of copyright infringement. It said that if I try to reupload, I could be kicked from facebook. Nice. Especially nice since the video was not copyright infringement in any way. Here's the "infringing" video of me trying out an effect and talking to the camera, or my brother or something:

It is bologna that they did this. I have no idea how this is infringement. Some people say we shouldn't complain because we aren't paying for facebook (or youtube). well I say a few things: If we aren't paying for it how are they getting rich? donations? NO. advertisement. If we weren't paying and there were no ads, then maybe I shouldn't complain, but I am paying through the ads.

I'm mad about this, but the thing that is really annoying is how much farther this can get. Next thing you know it, more things on the internet will be uber-regulated. That kinda kills a huge advantage of the internet, especially with sites like youtube and facebook.

I would maybe understand taking the video down if I was trying to make money off of it, and I actually had some sort of infringement. I would also expect some complaint from whoever I was infringing. I've seen people's videos being taken down because they had some independent band that they were trying to promote's song in the video. That makes a whole lot of sense to take that down.

Anyways, I'll cut this rant short before I bore you.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

uh oh, old habit

uh oh... I hope this isn't the beginning of a resurgence of an old habit. Maybe its just a one day thing. Its 1 and I've procrastinated too much. Writing this blog in itself is very counterproductive.

I can sleep some other time. right?