Monday, December 14, 2009

Agenda For Christmas Break

Alright. I have a few things I need to do over break. Some things are more important than others.
They are in no particular order, but I will number them.

1. Create new Logo for website.
2. Completely revamp my website.
3. Work on radio station website.
4. Play Assassins Creed and Bioshock on my pc.
5. Think about ideas for Seminar.
6. Practice with new camera.
7. Have fun.
8. Create some new videos or animations.
9. Get some freelance jobs.
10. Get my foot in the door for a possible summer job. (and maybe my other foot in the door of a possible after college job)

As you can see, it is important I bring my PC home with me for break. For most breaks it begins with everything constantly happening with friends and family. Soon, it slows down and I find myself sitting in my room doing nothing or playing videogames or something. Well this break It looks like I may have some things to do while in my room.

Also for your enjoyment. My new ad:

Thursday, December 03, 2009

My weekend schedule

1. Make a schedule and stick to it.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

psychologically, physically, or emotionally ill?

So thats the question, whats the answer?

I guess I'll give you background so you can interpret what the answer may be.

Today, like every weekday I work at the Middle School from 6am to 2:30 pm outside pulling weeds, etc. The last two days I have went golfing afterwards, walking 9 holes. I have played two horrible rounds of golf, about a 20 stroke difference at least for the 2 days added together compared to what I have been shooting regularly. Now here's the main information:

Today I started out playing mediocre, but not horrible. It started getting quite a bit worse after 4 or 5 holes. About the middle of the 6th hole I hit a bad shot that really made me really really angry, then my breathing kinda got abnormal and I was breathing really hard. Then in a few minutes I felt like my arms were tingly. The last three holes I focused very little, and actually got a 9 on the 7th hole.

Now here's where the question comes into play. I kept thinking that I was just acting like I was exhausted, and acting like my arms were tingly and acting like I was breathing hard because I was just so angry and wanted some kind of excuse to why I was playing bad. I mean I didn't say anything, but I felt like that might have been what I was doing. Or maybe I was possibly just actually exhausted from 10+ hours in the heat today. Or maybe I was so angry that my mind made myself feel that way.

So the question is am I psychologically screwed up because I was just making it up? Am I physically screwed up because I was in the heat too long and it just took over me? Or am I emotionally screwed up because I have the ability to be so angry that it makes me ill?

In other news, towards the end of writing this blog I have started losing my balance a bit and down feels like it is moving.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Alright, I'm happy. I'm golfing good. Finally. After always working at it and trying so hard for so long... it has finally come together for a few rounds and I hope it stays this way. In the last month I've only not broke 80 for 18 twice I think. I have shot a 75, which is my best 18 hole score, and on the back nine of that round I shot -1 (34), which was my best 9 hole score. Today I just played 9 holes (front) and shot -2. I had 4 birdies, one of which should have definitely stayed in for eagle (9th hole, my drive went left of the sand trap that goes around the green, so I had to hit a flop shot over the bunker and on the green as close to the bunker as possible because the green sloped dramatically down. I hit a perfect flop way in the air, and it rolled into the center of the cup... but the pin hit it and it stayed out. I made birdie though.)

Other high points of today's round:
a very long drive on one to about 25 yards to the green (but a slightly thin pitch shot occurred when a driving range ball landed near me on my backswing)
A long straight drive on 2, over the creek that I almost always lay up in front of, but didnt get up and down for birdie
Wind with us on short par 3 third hole so I hit a 115 yard sand wedge shot pin high and made birdie
good safe drive on 4 right in the middle of the fairway.
Very long and straight drive on 5 over the creek that I usually lay up in front of, but botched pitch shot to end up with bogey
mis-hit drive on 6 but still decent shape and 210 yard 2nd shot to green (par 5). Hit a nice long draw around the trees and ended up right and short of the green by just a little bit, then chipped it, not as close as I wanted, but made the tough hard right to left putt.... then did my famous hip thrust celebration... then noticed the people watching me, who continued to stare for a while.
hole 8: very good drive into the wind right down the middle to 100 yards out... pulled 2nd shot left and long but hit an excelent lob wedge on a tough green to get up and down for par.
#8, had wind with us so I hit a 9 iron on the 149 yard par 3, and ended up on the left fringe about 6 in from green... was going to putt, but it was a long putt and i felt better chipping... so i chipped it in for birdie.
#9 hit a decent drive down the right, on this short par 4. It usually hits the fairway and kicks left on the hole, but it kicked straight and was just right of the green and bunker, but pin high... I already told the story of the flop shoot though.

so that makes a -2 (33).

Sorry if this bored you, but I'm crazy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Some Thoughts

Why is it odd for someone to run somewhere? I even feel odd when I decide to run to where ever I'm going. I still do it a lot. I do run when I'm late, but I also run when I have all kinds of time. Sometimes it just feels easier than walking, and it gets you where you are going in half the time.

Why is it that now I have more free time to do what I want, I just end up bored?

Am I weird for not really wanting to be super rich, or at least if I was rich, super fancy? I'd like to eat more and have a few things of my interests, but a really nice car and house don't interest me too much. And don't get me started on jewelry. Too Late.

I have a problem with a lot of jewelry. I mean I know I'm a guy and most guys don't wear a whole lot, so I may be biased. I feel like jewelry among other things (fancy cars) are for the most part status symbols. That big ring says look how rich we are! I'm not against all jewelry really, because you can wear it to not be showing off how rich you are, just like you can get a nice car. I'm not against good cars, I'm just against status cars really.

Why do I keep playing golf... which turns out being the one sport that has probably given me the most trouble. I'm better at other sports, but here I am, obsessed with golf, playing it at college, playing every day almost. For example, the other day I was swinging really good and had maybe the best golf day of my life... then 2 days later the swing was gone, and I was back to struggling. It could make a person go crazy. I still love the game somehow. Maybe I'm a masochist... I did used to love long distance running... THAT eventually hurt too bad, and I can't stand it anymore... I wonder if golf will mentally injure me like long distance running did.

Why are certain things called childish by self-proclaimed adults, when the things they do (and most adults for that matter) are more childish. I do a number of things for fun that people may consider childish. I play video games, lazer tag, ping pong, I make immature jokes, but I feel like those things are the things I do for fun, while someone who may call me childish is probably fighting with a friend and not talking to them, they are planning revenge on someone that said something mean about them 2 months ago, and there's a million other examples.

A few things kind of suck:
its not what you know, its who you know... that kinda sucks.
you have to lie and cheat to get ahead... that kinda sucks.
you can't trust anyone... that kinda sucks

I coulda gone on... but I"m done typing. I think I'm going to go eat some Don Tequilas!

and please dont think I'm some sort of nut!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Mullet Adventures

and here's alink to watch it on youtube in high quality:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Freddysign Concept 1

enjoy... a final version will be much better

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I should be doing some other stuff now...

anyways I was looking at the warped tour lineup for this summer (I know its early)(and don't call me lame for thinking about warped tour)(or if you do, say it in a nice manor)(please)

anyways, these bands will be there:

Bad Religion, Big D and the Kids Table, Bouncing Souls, Flogging Molly, NOFX, Streetlight Manifesto, Westbound Train

I mean there will be others, but those are the ones that matter. I'll probably go this year.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 (semi)random things

random things about me
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I shouldn't even be doing this right now. It is 1:17am and I should be starting my homework.

2. I sometimes wonder if I'm more of a geek or a jock. I don't really think I'm either, but I love computers and electronics. I wear thick glasses, and I make geeky jokes. I also play about any sport you can shake a stick at, and I'm very competitive in them all.

3. I made two (or actually more) websites for myself when I was younger (7th grade-so. in high school) but haven't got around to making a current one, even though I'm always planning to. I guess I can thank facebook and myspace for the delay.

4. I'm planning on creating a series of shows for the youtube. All in the colormation effect that I've been messing with. The name is picked out in my head by not confirmed yet. Some friends are planning to help a lot. It will be funny. It will also take the world by storm.

5. Sometimes I think I'm funnier than people appreciate.

6. Sometimes I think that maybe I'm a little full of myself.

7. Sometimes I think I don't think enough of myself.

8. Sometimes my sense of humor includes my own inside jokes. I make good jokes that only I get.

9. I also continuously make fun of some things by doing them so much that people think I'm not making fun of something. Like how people answer the phone, "yyeeellloo"

10. For most my life I've always been a really nice person, but I also have the ability to be a really big butt hole.

11. I enjoy food a ton.

12. I'm on a diet right now. 35 pounds by the end of the school year (gain). So far I've gained 6.

13. My girlfriend is great, and knows I'm crazy, but hasn't ran away or institutionalized me.

14. I really like the show, LOST, and I've followed it the whole time. It is really exciting.

15. I would consider myself open minded when it comes to music, but I've also found what I like and I'm not going to waste my time listening to a bunch of country and rap to find music to listen to.

16. btw, I like ska music and punk music mostly. I also branch off in other directions.

17. I don't think I can ever make up my mind when it comes to sports:
Middle School: Baseball, Basketball, Track
Fresh HS: Track, Cross Country
So. HS: Baseball, Cross Country
Jr. Hs: Baseball, Golf
Sr. Hs: Baseball, Golf
Fresh College: Golf
So. College: Golf
Jr. College: (who knows!? haha)

18. I wish I could always find people who can compete with me in: basketball, ping pong, tennis, golf, racquetball, and other sports, but its hard to find.

19. I have a Nintendo Entertainment System in my room.

20. I built my computer (sorta... with help!) and it is NICE. It can play Crysis on full settings! Nice step up from ps2.

21. I truly believe my pc has better graphics than ps3 and xbox 360.

22. I sometimes let my inner geek come out too much.

23. I enjoy embarrassing Alecia in many ways. Usually noises I make and things I do.

24. I'm starting to really think of some good ones, but I'm running out of spaces to put them. Now that I think about it, saying this is very counterproductive.

25. I wish I had an energy drink right now, since its time to start my homework. Its been a long time since I've had an energy drink though.

I'd also like to mention that I'm blind in my left eye.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Golf Team Raffle (HELP!)

Hello, this may be my first blog that actually serves a purpose (other than just to write and entertain, etc).

The golf team is underfunded this year so we need to produce more money for traveling to Hilton Head.

We are doing raffle tickets. The prize is a $100 Wal-Mart gift card. The tickets are $1 each, $5 for 6, or $10 for 13. If you'd like to get more we can work something out.

So, I am asking through this blog if anyone will help. Any help would be appreciated very much. You could also win $100. The odds aren't too bad.

Just get in touch with me somehow (in person, facebook, email [trentfred at], phone [6185427088], yelling, myspace, youtube, snailmail, etc). I can take cash, checks (payable to Blackburn Golf Club), Paypal, and probably anything else you can think of that would work.

Thank you

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Facebook, videos, and copyrights

Today I get on my facebook account and I had a notice that told me that they deleted my "colormation" because of copyright infringement. It said that if I try to reupload, I could be kicked from facebook. Nice. Especially nice since the video was not copyright infringement in any way. Here's the "infringing" video of me trying out an effect and talking to the camera, or my brother or something:

It is bologna that they did this. I have no idea how this is infringement. Some people say we shouldn't complain because we aren't paying for facebook (or youtube). well I say a few things: If we aren't paying for it how are they getting rich? donations? NO. advertisement. If we weren't paying and there were no ads, then maybe I shouldn't complain, but I am paying through the ads.

I'm mad about this, but the thing that is really annoying is how much farther this can get. Next thing you know it, more things on the internet will be uber-regulated. That kinda kills a huge advantage of the internet, especially with sites like youtube and facebook.

I would maybe understand taking the video down if I was trying to make money off of it, and I actually had some sort of infringement. I would also expect some complaint from whoever I was infringing. I've seen people's videos being taken down because they had some independent band that they were trying to promote's song in the video. That makes a whole lot of sense to take that down.

Anyways, I'll cut this rant short before I bore you.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

uh oh, old habit

uh oh... I hope this isn't the beginning of a resurgence of an old habit. Maybe its just a one day thing. Its 1 and I've procrastinated too much. Writing this blog in itself is very counterproductive.

I can sleep some other time. right?