Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have had an addiction for awhile, but it is really becoming serious now. I guess I should have seen it coming with Christmas coming around and everyone asking me what I want. I could tell them, but they wouldn't understand. They wouldn't know how to get it, or they would find a way, but it would seem impossible and dumb. So I don't exactly tell what I want. I just generally say what I want. Then I tell how I want it. Anyways, enough of that, back to the addiction

My addiction of late (this year) is a serious addiction. I may be going to my first OSA meeting next week before the problems really compound.

I have what they (by they, I mean me) call OSS (not to be confused with OPP), Online Shopping Syndrome. I truly don't believe its a problem, but most drug addicts don't think they have a problem either. Its just so great. Everything is online. Its usually 10x cheaper than anywhere else. I can research and not do too much impulse buying. Sounds great eh?

Well there's a dark side. I have become a super-researcher when it comes to stuff online. I spend countless hours figuring out how to get the best deals on the best stuff, the stuff that will make my happier. I figure out price to happiness ratios. I become a semi-professional person in whatever field I am thinking about purchasing something from.

Recently it has been computers. For this whole thanksgiving break I have spent a great deal of time looking at computers (because the one I am typing on apparently isn't good enough). For a long time I wanted a ps3 (or a wii, or a 360), but I have had a change of heart and mind. I've decided, no, no console, but I want a PC that is better than the consoles. I really believe this is the most awesome idea I've had in awhile.

Most people would say, "to do that you would need a fortune." Thats when my super-researching comes in to play. I have been comparing and contrasting every part of a computer. What do I need? what can I skimp on? What do I need to pay more on? is the 8600 gt good enough or should I upgrade to 8800gt? or is the 9600gt better than both? will it matter if my mobo (motherboard) isnt good enough? is my mobo good? Will this processor be good enough? I need a newer one. No not quite quad core, dual core will do me fine. but what is the difference between a 4000+ and a 6000+? is it worth paying more for? How much ram? Will vista require me to get 20gb of ram? how about crysis? will this setup be good enough for Crysis? Oooh, Crysis, lets compare games now. Pure looks better on the pc? awesome, crysis requires a great pc? is mine great? I think it will be... unless i stick with the 8600gt. Oh and call of duty. If i buy this game for my computer, will i turn into the rest of my floor? will i start acting and dressing like them? will i hear myself yelling at my monitor like i always hear. and will i be yelling at a different game than contra?

Do you see what I mean? thats the the tip of the iceburg. Those thoughts have been going through my head constantly... plus way way more? oh wait... will those deals go down since it wont be black friday anymore?

Are you beginning to see why I can't tell anyone what I want for christmas... at least detailed... i just say either Money or money towards this computer.

I dont (usually) say I want the AMD Athlon 6000+ Dual Core CPU Asrock ALIVENF6P-VSTA MB (Ethernet, High Def Audio)4GB DDR2 800Mhz RAM 500gb hd, dvd+r dual layer burner geforce 8800gt with vista premium. That would just get strange looks... ask alecia. She's given them to me a few times.

Even if the item i wanted was simple, I don't really know if i could tell them. Since my addiction has started, everything I see at stores (mainly electronics) I say, ha, like I'd by that here! Its surely on the internet for half that price (and it probably is).

So it kinda does sound like the internet is great. Easy to find stuff. Easy to research stuff. Better prices.

That causes problems. Easy to find= would i have ever bought a golf simulator if i couldnt find it online? easy to research, could i have been doing something more productive with my time? better prices= would i have bought that at all if i didnt see the good price?

In concussion, my conclusion to the whole thing is that I do have an addiction, but I don't want any help. I like the internet. Everyone is lucky I have no money right now (spent it all on golf simulators and ping pong paddles, and 100 golf balls), or i'd buy stuff.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jet Audio

Good news everyone!
I finally got sick of Windows Media Player (it would not recognize that I had ANY music on my pc for some reason now)

I downloaded Jet Audio, thats much better, BUT it wouldnt work with (site that keeps track of what you listen to... check mine out! :MY LAST.FM Page

But i looked up some stuff and figured out how to get it to work. It took a little more work than it should have, but now it works.

I should have been studying for my math quiz that I have in 13 minutes.

I also shouldn't have been writing this blog. Its taking my time and YOUR time. sorry.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Now I'm going bite my tongue

now i'm going to look like an idiot, because here comes a vague depressing blog... you know, the kind that I was JUST making fun of.

this will be shorter than the last one i now decide.

here it is:

Now that every single constant I had in the last 3.5 years is gone. Now what?
Am i going to be stronger from what didn't destroy me, or am I destroyed.

I could name the constants, but I won't for now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


its soo... i dont know...
You think one thing and...
it just isnt there..
its not there ever.
im sitting in my room alone right now... as usual.
actually mason is in here, but i'm alone in my mind.
im by myself in my own place.
soo lonely that i want to cry.
the office is on tv, but i can't laugh anymore
i dont laugh anymore. time is so slow and painful
i dont laugh anymore. i just cry.
pain, its what I feel.
I am so vulnarabel. Why does everything have to be like this!?
Can't I just be like everyone else. Normal. Happy.
as i look at my blank wall it reminds me of my life,
blank and horrible
please don't look at me differently.
I can keep my act going so well you will never know.
how I truley feal.


Friday, November 07, 2008

Tonite, Tomorrow, and the Present

few things to say real briefly.

1. I'm glad my tv finally got the hd channels and the movie channels... No comedies on reg. cable can compare to this.
2. I'm playing ping pong in the ping pong tournament in springfield tomorrow morning. I will lose.
3.I didn't win bingo.
4.My pc keeps crashing.

Bigaboom bigabang.