Friday, February 22, 2008

The Perfect Skaturday!

Tomorrow, February 23, 2008
Myself and Alecia, Mason, Bardo, and Travis are going to embark on a journey that will take us down many snowy roads until we reach our destination of Off Broadway. We will begin our journey by leaving around noon towards St. Louis. We will pass by many monuments on the way like, corn fields full of snow, grass fields full of snow, cars with snow on them, and people who hate snow. The whole way there letting the musical talents of bands such as, The Toasters, The Slackers, The Pietasters, Bomb the Music Industry!, and The Planet Smashers seep into our soul and caress the senses that cause movement of the feet and arms until we will hardly be able to contain ourselves. Once at our destination of St. Louis we will fuel our energy for the events going on later in the night by filling up at the Spaghetti Factory with spaghetti, salad, ice cream, and other delicious items. After we digest the food, we will travel, possibly nowhere, possibly to the venue. Once their our feet will be one horn from dancing in anticipation. We will get our tickets into the venue and find a place to sit and/or stand. The music will begin to thump out of the speakers and our feet will begin to move and our arms begin to fly. We will be zombies to the music. Then, finally, in conclusion, The TOASTERS will come on stage. Out hearts will pound, our jaws will drop, our feet will move, and something else will happen. Then The Toasters will play their final note of the night as we clap our hands in anticipation that they may come back out to play another song. Out of nowhere we hear horns and then guitar and bass. Then the drums come and we start all over again, being turned into zombies. Then they will stop playing and then...

annnnd thennnnn

annnnnnnnnnddddd thhhheeeennnnnnnnnnnn

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddd thhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...


Then we will leave and drive home and sleep the end.


Uh... Leesha? said...

that was probably the best blog i've ever read.

Uh... Leesha? said...

so are you really thinking of getting a full-time job this summer?

i'm not quite sure how i would enjoy that, but i'm sure it wouldn't be too bad. and it would be nice for at least one of us to have money some of the time! haha i'm just kidding, i am planning on getting a job this summer as well, although, not a full time job, because i will be doing summer classes at rlc again.

oh! we should totally do the fitness class at rlc this summer, we could work out together!

but anyways, since we'll both have a job this summer, we'll both have money! that's great! i'm excited.

haha i love you!