Saturday, February 09, 2008

Buzz Box

So... I have been sitting here tonite (pretty late, but dont worry, this time it was a weekend)...

earlier today i had a migraine... for most the day and missed out on class and work.

its better now though

ANNYWAYSSS... on with the point of this blog:

i'm in my room tonite by myself since my roomate went home for the weekend. I have just been messing around on the computer playing albatross 18 and stuff. I noticed that on comedy central right now there were infomercials, which eventually turned to the Buzz Box infomercial. It was not the first time seeing that infomercial, but the reason I am blogging about this is because The Buzz Box infomercial has extracted more thought and emotion out of me than any other infomercial, ever.

if you dont know what the informercial it is about, its for this collection of CDs with music from the 90s and some 2000s. It is all alternative rock music.

the dang infomercial really made me think back to when each of those songs were being played on the radio. those days were back when i listened to the radio. Is it just coincidence that i stopped? or has popular music really gone that far down hill?

I knew most the words to the songs they played and they also reminded me of certain times. Many of them just reminded me of my childhood. Most of the memories came in the area of probably 5th grade to freshman in highschool. Lots of them reminded me of all the times i used to go to six flags with craig and stuff. Some reminded me of other things. either way, for some reason my throat felt heavy listening to this music. Maybe it was a confirmation that those times are gone and i cant go back. (maybe cant go back besides by listening to the music). It was just kinda crazy how much this infomercial got out of me (much more than the girls gone wild and bowflex ones do!)

i'm also happy to realise that when i was younger i still had a pretty good taste in music. most the songs on that cd i would consider good. some on there i wouldnt, but i'm really not ashamed of my music tastes when i was younger. I am sure they have led me to my current tastes.

anyways this blog was pretty much pointless. When i began it, i thought i would have lots of good things to write but it didnt happen.

the buzz box is over $100 so i'm not getting it. The commercial will have to do for my occasional nostalgia (i cant spell).

oh and i suppose since someone else posted one of these, i will do it and add my answers.
have you ever...?

been in love?: yes
ate cactus?: no
rode a horse?: yes
skinny dipped?: sorta.
streaked?: sorta.
toilet papered a house?: yes
touched a donkey?: is this a sexual inuendo? NO.
made out in the dark?: yes
in the rain?: yes
in public?: yes
ate dirt?: yes
fainted?: yes
been in a mosh pit?: YES
made a mosh pit?: YES
had liberty spikes?: no
had a mohawk?: yes
failed a grade?: no
been in a band?: no
been in marching band?: no (was in beginning band for a few weeks in 5th grade though)
wrote an anonomous love letter?: i dont think
hate letter?: anonmous?
had a friend named Bob?: We used to call Craig Bob for awhile.
made hemp bracelets?: no
had a heat spell?: I dont know i think it was a bad migraine.
stripped?: yes
been on a sport team?: yes
gotten beat up?: psh.. someone beat ME up? pssh.
played in mud?: yes
thought about your existance?: yes
swam in a pond?: yes
kissed a stranger?: no
had more than 1 love?: no
gave blood?: no
belive in love at first sight?: umm, in most cases no, and depends on your definition of love.
been deep sea fishing?: no
pet a dolphin?: maybe at sea world? maybe not.
ate grass?: yes, on accident, and on purpose once.
been to a concert?: yes
been to a show?: yes
been to a party?: yes
been drunk?: yes
smoked?: no, well i smoked a cigar when a baby was born :D
got high?: no
see sawed?: yes
went to a scary movie and left?: no
talked to a cow?: not sure
skateboarded?: yes
fell?: yes
snowboarded?: yes
iceskated?: yes
mowed the lawn?: yes
listened to rave music?: like consistantly? no.
rap?: not really
rock?: yes
indie?: yes
emo?: sorta... never really liked it, but heard it a lot for awhile...
dressed goth?: no
dressed prep?: no not really
talked to yourself?: yes
cut yourself?: no
seen a naked person?: yes
taken a shower with your clothes on?: swimming trunks...
worn socks to bed?: yes, almost every night
cussed an animal out?: slightly probably
worn bright pink?: yes
worn black lipstick?: no
been obsessed over somebody?: yes
been kissed by the opposite sex?: yes
saw story of the year in concert?: umm... yes for a few moments before i left.
yellowcard?: no, didnt see them, but did hear them
antiflag?: yes
listened to country?: no
been to a country concert?: yes... it sucked.
fed a llama?: dont know
rode an elephant?: possibly
watched a nonrated movie?: yes
saw a shark?: possibly
had AOL?: yes
been on the internet for over 5 hours at a time?: yes
cussed somebody out in a different language?: yes
been burned?: yes
been bit by a person?: yes
ate raw meat?: does sushi count?
left your light on after watching a scary movie?: yes
told a joke and nobody laughed?: yes
made your own clothes?: t shirts
took antidepressants?: no
asked somebody out?: yes
danced in your room naked?: probably
sung in the shower?: yes, but prefer dancing.
found money?: yes
gave bad advice on purpose?: no
made someone cry?: yes
ate a whole box of pizza in one day?: like a whole pizza? yes.
bought something off of ebay?: yeah
never paid somebody back?: yes
done a really stupid dare?: yes
done something embarassing in public for attention?: probably.
talked on the phone for 4 hours?: yes
drunk out of a sippy cup?: yes
listened to hot hot heat?: not consistantly but have listened to a song or two
had a pen pal?: yes
won an award for anything?: yes
grew a plant?: yesh
have you ever pee'd in the woods?: yep

hey what do you know, two for one! you really got your money's worth... that is unless for some reason you actually paid any kind of money to see this... then you got screwed!


Uh... Leesha? said...


first, sorry that your childhood is gone, but look at the bright side, you can vote now and buy lottery tickets!

and two, have we ever really made out in public or were you referring to someone else?

three, are you obsessed with me? lol and i know that the question about telling a joke and nobody laughing was definitely directed towards me :D

"so this baby died... and it's funny... right? yeah alecia, it's funny. laugh."

Fred said...

its ok, its not really about the bright side and being able to vote and buy lottery tickets. I could have probably wrote this blog when i was 17. Its less about where I am now. I'm not saying where i am now is any worse than back then, its just interesting thinking how those things are actually gone.

I just figured we had or i had or something, i'm not really sure. maybe i havent.

the joke thing with nobody laughing wasnt really directed towards you, i just answered it honestly... and truthfully, i think people dont laugh at my jokes more often than not.

the dead baby joke was funny.

Uh... Leesha? said...

i know how you feel. i remember back in the day when growing up wasn't so scary, i know exactly how you feel.
and sometimes i wish that we could just go back to second grade and not have to worry about anything...

but we're growing up trenton.

and i know 10 years from now we'll be looking back at now and thinking about how these things are gone, you just have to look ahead and not necessarily back.

idk, this is all confusing.
i love you.

Anonymous said...

Good words.