Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Suck

I Suck Athletically
I Suck Academically
I Suck Romantically

Thursday, March 06, 2008


i'm leaving for hilton head island, South Carolina in a few hours (6:00pm) with the Blackburn golf team. We are staying a week and playing all the awesome courses. I am very excited to go! I will make sure to post many pics and videos of the trip!

annyways... i need to go and get more things ready. You know where i'll be for the next week so, i wont be on here.

Monday, March 03, 2008

I am possible the dumbest person I know right now

I'll make a short story long here:

I'm supposed to be making this review of the toasters concert for my journalism class... well i've been procrastination as usual and not really feeling like sleepign anyways. So two energy drinks gone and its 4:45 and i'm not done with my paper. Well i was looking up some information for my paper and on the Ska's the Limit site they have a thing to stream a bunch of stuff from that concert.. so i clicked on it and opened winamp... it then started playing....

i had also been on the off broadway myspace page before ....

anyways i was listening and nothing sounded familiar so i was confused. i thought maybe i should just wait and then the music i recognized would start playing. Instead it was this kinda crappy music. I wait and waited and then made the horrible realization that i wasted the last 15 minutes of my life listening to crappy music and not listening to the concert because:

my winamp sound was muted. and the off broadway myspace page had music. sucky music.

sooo i figured that out... and the concert is halfway done with the first band and i just exited the mspace page... actually i think i went to blogger with it...

I'm dumb