Monday, December 24, 2007

Chistmas Eve Going on Christmas

Hey there loyal reader(s).

Its 11:35 pm, Christmas Eve.

so far so good. No terrible catastrophes.
My presents have been pretty nice so far.
I usually feel like I dont deserve them.
BUT I'll still accept them.

so far there's been shoes, clothes, computer program, concert tickets, money,headphones, food and some other things.

I'm pretty fortunate for this stuff.

Part of this all does suck with it being the first Christmas with my mom not being around much and my dad feeling like crap most the time. But, I should not complain. I am way more fortunate than many people.

so anyways i have a new cell phone too... ask me for the number... please! i dont wnat to just post it on here for anyone to see, but i'd love to give it to you, and you should give me yours! deal.

i'm listening to lots of ska music right now. Nothing puts you in the christmas mood like ska music.

i have these new headphones, i cant hear a thing anyone is doing around me. That is very nice.

i really feel bad i have not been able to get most people things. I have no money. I have got some things for some people, but the fact is I had to gather change in my room to be able to get home in the first place. and i barely made it that way.

anyways i think santa is almost here so i better go to my room before i screw it over by being awake and then my little brother and sister wont get any presents.

everyone have a happy christmas and dont hurt yourself to start the new year.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


I have a Bipolar life.
I'm not bipolar.
Everyone is bipolar now days.
I'm not.

My life just is.
Lately it is at least.
Some of the worst
and best things
have happened to me lately

examples? no.
ok i'll give a few:
Here's some on the low side:
halloween party incident which ended with the ambulance taking me to the hospital
me and alecia's break up
my parents split up

here's some on the good side:
won a new dig. camera playing bingo
got back together with alecia
won a new hdtv playing bingo

so there you have it... give me some prozak.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Hardest Part

The hardest part is not what they say it is.
It is not getting the courage to begin.

Its easy to begin
The hard part is when you want to end but

you dont because of reasons you cant think of and
people you don't know

Its sticking it out for what is right
sticking it out for what might

happen if you do
and when it doesn't happen

You stick it out some more for
the chance that the goal may be reached

and when the goal is forgotten
you still stick it out because

it is all that you know by now and
it has become a habit

now the hardest part is breaking that habit
where again they say the hardest part is deciding to quit

And they are wrong again


please note that i wrote this at 4:45am off the top of my head.
AND if you are worried that this is something about you and there's something wrong or something like that, stop worrying, there isnt anything wrong.

I dont exactly where this came from or what its exactly about in my life. Maybe school and my homework, because thats what i NEED to be doing right now. Either way, i dont know. i never sleep. good bye

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Its been awhile

It appears i have been part of blogger since 2004. Now here is my second blog! So for those of you who were desperately waiting for a second blog from me, this is it, this is the moment you have all beeen waiting for.

Let me catch you up with my life in one word:


there ya go.

Look out for my next blog...

(in 3 years?)